Some collection of my past works.

PLN Marketplace Mobile
[ Company Project - As Backend ]
PLN Marketplace is a buying and selling platform to make things easier for PLN customers and the public. Collaborating with various UMKM and other companies.

PLN Marketplace BOT
[ Company Project - As Backend ]
A website for monitoring stores, product transactions, product categories etc on the PLN mobile marketplace.

PLN Insurance
[ Company Project - As Backend ]
A webview that makes it easy for employees to register for various types of insurance provided by the company.

Mantoy Project Solution
[ Freelance Project - As Fullstack ]
A website for selling canopy, fence and other products, which includes an order form and admin page.

[ Open Source Study Project - As Fullstack ]
A website created to facilitate borrowing & returning books at the library.

LMS Kemlu
[ Company Project - As Fullstack ]
A website created for a learning management system for foreign ministry staff.

SIM Hotel
[ Open Source Study Project - As Fullstack ]
A website created to make it easier to book hotel rooms efficiently.

PPDB Online
[ Study Project - As Fullstack ]
A school website created to facilitate the acceptance of new students.

Point of Sales
[ Freelance Project - As Fullstack ]
A website to simplify the sales or purchasing process in retail businesses, so that customers can make payments faster.

[ Internship Project - As Fullstack ]
A website created to further introduce animal husbandry managed by the company tropisianimal to be known by more people. And this is one of my internship projects at cyberlabs.

BordirKuy Landing Page
[ Freelance Project - As Fullstack ]
An embroidery shop landing page website was created to further introduce its embroidery services so that everyone can see it easily anywhere and anytime.

Wedding App
[ Freelance Project - As Frontend ]
A digital wedding invitation website that contains detailed information such as the wedding address and personal data of both partners.

Digital Presence
[ Freelance Project - As Fullstack ]
A website was created to help teachers in the digital student attendance process, and a selfie feature is registered using the camera when students are going to take attendance, and when they are absent, the date and time of the student's attendance will be automatically recorded.

SIM Rayon
[ Study Project - As Fullstack ]
A website created to help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of school management teacher activities, student information and parent-teacher relationships.

Supervisor Digital
[ Study Project - As Fullstack ]
A website created to handle the school learning system online so that teachers can give assignments easily and effectively. And it is equipped with a feature for assessing assignments given by teachers for their supervisor roles & a report feature to be viewed by the principal, and many more features.

Employee Presence
[ Study Project - As Fullstack ]
A website created to handle the school learning system online so that teachers can give assignments easily and effectively. And it is equipped with a feature for assessing assignments given by teachers for their supervisor roles & a report feature to be viewed by the principal, and many more features.

Family Tree
[ Study Project - As Fullstack ]
A website created to determine genealogy in a family, and I created this project to practice if conditional logic and correct my relational database.

Covid Risk Test
[ Study Project - As Fullstack ]
A website created to find out how far you are affected by the risk of the corona virus.

Agenda Digital
[ Study Project - As Fullstack ]
A website application created to make it easier to list daily activities.